- All residential packages include best-effort symmetrical speeds and bandwidth and customer support between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Report connection issues or outages by telephone at 505.658.2487 or by email at redboltsupport@cdec.coop. A technician will assist with diagnosing the issue and restoring connectivity of your Service. If needed, support will assess the need for a tech visit. See Terms and Conditions for more information about Continuity of Service.
- CDEC is not responsible for supporting network equipment or peripheral equipment, including, but not limited to PCs, MACs, routers, software applications or another carrier’s equipment. If Customer utilizes a CDEC router, internet speeds are tested at the router inside the premises. If Customer provides their router, internet speeds are tested at the optical network terminal outside the premises. Neither Service quality or tech support is guaranteed or provided beyond testing point.
If you rent our equipment (i.e., router or Wi-Fi extender) and return it due to Service cancellation or any reason other than device malfunction, and the equipment needs to be cleaned, you will be charged a $20 cleaning fee plus tax,, per device. If a device is returned unusable, you will be charged the equipment's full retail value.
Customer acknowledges receipt of CDEC's Terms of Service, which are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein, and Customer agrees to be bound by them.